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JSP - Save Your Network!

Johanneberg Science Park


Finally back to work!

Now we are once again filling Johanneberg Science Park with innovation and inspiration, networks and contacts, research and energy. You are hereby both invited and co-creator! 


We want to celebrate this with happenings, meetings and pleasantries December 1-3 in all our houses: Teknikparken, AWL and Ooto (the gold and black house).  The activities are for you who are tenants in one of the Teknikparken, AWL and Ootos gold and black houses. Registration is required in some cases, see the program points separately.


The program below is under development, more exciting points may be added!   Do you have an event or meeting taking place these days, which might be open to more people? In that case, it may become part of the program. Get in touch!


JSP-Dagarna, 1-2 december 2022! Två dagar att lära känna dina grannar på Johanneberg Science Park på djupet. Det blir happenings, möten och trevligheter. Missa inte vår After Work med äventyraren Annelie Pompe som berättar om livet på det djupaste djupet och de högsta höjderna!


Client: Johanneberg Science Park

Case: JSP-Dagarna

Film Production: AndrobMedia AB

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